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Mobile Schools Address
4919 E. Grand Ave.
ordinary people doing extraordinary things
We are Tigers
We know every second counts in the important work we do in educating scholars to become productive global citizens
Celebrating Perfect Attendance
We celebrated the end of attendance awareness month (October) with a popcorn party for those with perfect attendance.
Woodrow Wilson Feeder Pattern Night
Our Tiger Cheerleaders got to cheer at a Woodrow Wilson football game, they even got to go on the field!
Learning Together
Our Tigers love working together to learn new things.
Debate, Cheer, Chess, Destination Imagination, and UIL are just a few of the amazing clubs our Tigers participate in!
Upcoming events
On the Horizon
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recent highlights
news from our community
Custom Tab treatment - Option One
The Dallas Independent School District is sharing important information about a data breach that has affected Dallas ISD and many other districts.
Discover Dallas ISD Virtual Session
eager to learn and driven to excel